Regular Exercise Creates New Value

If you exercise regularly, you know that it’s valuable to you. At the very least, it helps improve and maintain your physical and mental health and wellbeing.

But how often do you stop and think about the real value of exercise?

Our governments are very aware of it because they pay the bills when people get sick. That’s why they often commission research and create public health campaigns about regular exercise, because it saves them money to have a healthier population.

If you reflect a little more deeply, you’ll see that regular exercise benefits entire families. If one person exercises regularly, not only are they improving their own wellbeing but that will impact everyone else around them. Healthier families are good for communities. They’re more active, more engaged and add more value. Healthier communities are good for business and for employers. People are more productive, happier and more creative. And healthier businesses are good for nations. They pay more tax and cost less in social security.

Starting in the first half of 2022, LOVE TO Be Active will be putting a real value on the effort people make to keep themselves healthy through regular exercise. Our aim is for the people who make the effort to benefit from it directly.

Sarah McCrum